Homecoming Dance 2021
- The dance will be held outdoors at the West Campus Stadium on Saturday, October 2, 2021 from 6-9pm.
- Students of all grade levels attend the dance. Students often choose to go to the dance in groups rather than with dates.
- Tickets are $20 and can be purchased here. Cash or check (made out to LPHS with student ID in memo) sales will be announced soon.
- Guest Form- If you are bringing a guest who attends another high school, you MUST purchase during pre-sales, prior to the end of school Thursday of Homecoming week.
- One guest per LP student is allowed, and must be purchased at the same time as the LP Student.
- You need to turn in a guest form by Wednesday of Homecoming Week to one of the deans to be signed and then you will turn it in when you purchase your tickets.
- Please CLICK HERE TO get the guest form.
- GUEST FORMS MUST BE COMPLETE (all boxes filled out), including copy of photo ID and LP Dean's Signature before being turned in
- All guest tickets must be purchased at the same time as the LP student, and must be purchased by the end of lunch hours on Thursday. Guest Tickets will not be sold on Friday or Saturday- NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Tickets are available at the door for LP students only for $25. Students must have their LP ID to purchase at the door.
- Music entertainment at the dance will be provided by Dance Party DJs.
- Additionally, acoustic music can be played by LP students in the cafeteria. Light snacks are available in the cafeteria.
- Students must follow LP dress code at the dance. Students wearing clothing not complying with dress code will be denied entrance &/or removed from the dance. No refunds will be given. Students MAY NOT WEAR DENIM.
LP Dance Dress Expectations for students are:
- Bottoms should be no shorter than fingertip length, and slits should not be above the fingertip.
- Backless outfits should not be backless below the navel line.
- No part of the midriff should be bare, or have the appearance of being bare. With your arms at your side, if your arms are touching skin it does not meet guidelines.
- Two piece outfits must meet at the waistline.
- The top line of a dress should not be lower than the bust line.
- No jeans, hats, or sunglasses are allowed.
- Consider wearing comfortable shoes.
- You MUST wear shoes at Homecoming. Shoe check will be available for $5 and proceeds go to the Earth Club.